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Traum Docs

Dinosaurs are SUPER cool.... This is The Traum bot, Written in Discord.JS and Dsharp, It works with Slash Commands (JS) and Prefix commands too (C#), There is a new upcoming feature of the bot which is Database functionality that is intended to be written in Java

Created by RN Devs

Rausnichts is a major contributor to the Traum Project, we are still working on this project and it is far from finished, it is laying low as of april but it is hoped to go public in september :)

Backed with C++

New functions written in Javascript will be backed with C++ using the Node-GYP Technology to turn the C++ code into machine code so the Framework will be able to read it

Made with C#

we integrated the two frameworks to provide 2 different funtionalities, the Slash command system is in Discord.JS, and the prefix base is in Dsharp